How to engage in non-surgical aesthetic treatments responsibly

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In recent years, the rapid increase in demand for aesthetic treatments such as dermal fillers and fat-removal procedures has been underpinned by a society that emphasises the idea of individuals looking polished and at their best. But more than one factor comes into play when looking at the positive trajectory of the non-surgical aesthetic market.

The demand for non-invasive aesthetic procedures continues in relation to a corresponding fall in traditional cosmetic surgical procedures. The affordability, convenient access and availability of a diverse range of treatments all contribute towards a sector that currently amounts to £3.6billion.

As the calls for tighter regulations to be implemented in the non-surgical cosmetic industry increase, patients are urged to be careful in their choice of practitioner. The British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (BAAPS) audit cautions that non-surgical procedures do not necessarily mean non-medical and that along with the benefits these treatments offer, small levels of risk may be involved and these should always be considered.

Patients seeking to enhance their appearances should consider a skin clinic in London with a highly trained team of aesthetic practitioners. It is crucial that patients research the experience that their chosen practitioners have in performing professional quality and safe treatments.

What to do when considering an aesthetic treatment

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Patients should place their safety at the forefront of their decision-making process when considering any kind of aesthetic procedure. To ensure their safety, patients should not ignore the value of conducting proper research into both their chosen procedure and their practitioner.

Having a procedure performed by a practitioner without professional training or experience brings higher possibilities of complications developing, or the patient feeling dissatisfied with the outcome. To reduce these risks, patients must make the right decision that is informed by their own research. They can do so by doing the following:

1. Question the motivations behind the procedure

A patient should begin by investigating how they feel about the way they look, what in particular they dislike and why they want to change this.

2. Consult a practitioner with the right skillset

Advice should come from a knowledgeable practitioner. A consultation is a good place to start, as this can give the patient a clear picture of what to expect from a procedure. If possible, patients should find out as much information as possible before the consultation, as this allows the patient the opportunity to clarify any aspects that they don’t understand. Ask about the product to be used and the benefits as well as the risks involved.

3. Consider the cost involved

Some treatments require more than one application and others require aftercare maintenance after some time. There is also the cost of the product and the cost of the practitioner’s skill. Look at all the factors that make up the cost of treatment.

Patients should not feel pressured to make any hasty decisions. A professional skin clinic will have practitioners who understand this and who will abide by ethical standards to protect the wellbeing of their patients.

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