Healthy Choices: Focusing on Conscious Wellness

woman cutting cucumber

It has become increasingly difficult recently to balance work and family, and other responsibilities. In many ways, this causes us to neglect ourselves because it is the one thing we can put aside to make time for everything else that needs your attention.

But now, the world is going back to normal, and it is time for us to start prioritizing our mental and physical well-being. We owe it to ourselves to live the best life we can because our health matters.

A visit to the dentist is both self-care and a necessity because your teeth require regular dental care. Taking the stairs in place of elevators and escalators does not add an appreciable amount of time to reaching your destination. Still, it counts towards your daily exercise and improving stamina.

Having fruit for a snack instead of something sugary will soothe your craving without the negative effects of a sugar crash a few hours after eating.   Making healthy choices does not have to involve making radical changes to your lifestyle. It can often mean consciously choosing to prioritize your well-being in many little ways. Making an effort to make healthier choices can be just that simple.

Eat Less Starchy Vegetables

Starchy vegetables are higher in carbohydrates and calories than non-starchy vegetables. Many people reduce their carbohydrate intake but replace it with starchy vegetables. This somewhat negates the health benefits of going on a low carb diet.

Eating non-starchy vegetables can give you these benefits and more as they are low in calories and high in fiber and nutrients.

Use Smaller Plates

This is a good trick for helping your brain to think that you have eaten a filling meal. We tend to fill up a plate when we serve ourselves food. If we have a bigger plate, we end up eating much more food than our bodies need.

Using a small plate, we can fill up the plate while reducing the total serving size we take. This can help you feel like you had a filling meal while helping you to reduce portion sizes.

Unrefined Carbs

It is hard to eat a sustained low carb diet for long periods of time. Carbohydrates are important for energy and satiation after meals. The best thing to do is to replace refined carbs with unrefined carbs so that you can gain the benefits without the negatives.

Refined carbs like white flour and white rice contain empty calories and have no nutritional benefit. Unrefined carbs can add nutrients and fiber to your diet while helping to reduce the risk of diseases like heart disease and diabetes.

Use Fruit to Make Oats More Palatable

If you are used to breakfast with many sweet foods and carbohydrates, it can be hard to get excited about eating oatmeal. Even though it is good for you, it can be quite bland till your body gets over its addiction to sugar.

Help yourself to enjoy your oatmeal better by adding fruit to your meal. Fruit is a great source of antioxidants that can fight inflammation and reduces the risk of chronic diseases like diabetes.   Fruit is naturally sweet and has the added benefit of being full of vitamins and minerals healthy for the human body.

Eat More Fish

Fish is a great source of B vitamins while helping to make energy and maintain brain function. People say that fish is brain food, but it is also good for reducing inflammation and lowering the risk of heart disease.

Many types of delicious fish can be prepared in multiple enjoyable ways, and just two servings a week is enough to get the many health benefits. Salmon and mackerel are easily available at most major supermarkets. They are also sold at most farmers’ markets for people who prefer organic sources for their meals.

Supplements for Nutritional Needs

A busy person is not always able to eat all their nutrition through their meals. You can supplement your meals with supplements that can help you to meet all your body’s nutritional needs.

Soluble fiber and fish oil are great examples of supplements that can help you feel full for longer, keep your bowel movements regular, and reduce your blood sugar. The increase in omega-3 fatty acids will also help reduce inflammation, lower the risk of heart disease, and help with improving your mental health.

Living well takes minimal effort when you really look into it. Sometimes the hardest part is finding the willpower to follow through with your healthy choices. Some people struggle to give up caffeine and switch to green tea even when they know coffee is fueling their anxiety and making it worse.

Time is your friend in this situation because practice does make it easier. As you keep making yourself practice healthier habits, you will find they get easier with time. It can take as little as a month to get to a point where you no longer enjoy the cloying sweetness of soft drinks. This is the power of listening to your body, eating mindfully, and respecting yourself enough to live a healthy life for your betterment.

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