Health and Wellness

experiencing backpain

Is Self-medicating Okay?

It isn’t uncommon for people to whip up some generations-old concoctions to relieve themselves of the common colds. It could be something passed down from your grandparents, a friend’s advice that sounds very promising, or

weighing scale

Weight a Minute: Managing Your Pandemic Weight

Losing weight as well as gaining weight may be equally difficult for some of us. For others, it may simply be a matter of discipline, but for some, it may be a matter of body

flawless woman

The Path to Fitness: Preparing for Wellness

Wellness comes from within. You must have the conviction necessary to lead you down the path to fitness. Without the proper mindset, it would be difficult to stay on the path.   For many people,

new parents

Newborn Parenting: Self-care Tips for First-time Parents

Taking care of a newborn has always been difficult, especially among first-time parents who may rely only on pieces of advice that they receive from parents and in-laws. Time for yourself is totally non-existent when

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