Don’t Feel Safe Yet to Go to the Gym? Here’s How You Can Stay in Shape

Man working out at home

A few months after the coronavirus pandemic first hit the world, we’re still adjusting to the new normal. Going out for grocery trips or making an appointment with your dentist is now deemed safe. Restaurants and gyms are starting to reopen in Australia, but many people don’t still feel comfortable going out.

Exercise can help your body in a few ways, especially if you’re cooped up at home for months. It helps flush out bacteria from your lungs, increases your white blood cell circulation, and improves your cardiovascular health. Moreover, working enables you to maintain a semblance of a routine. Having a routine is crucial to relieve stress, feel less anxious, and get a good night’s sleep in these trying times.

So how can you start or continue sweating out if you’re still reluctant to go to your favourite gym?

Get at-home workout streaming services

The fitness app and website Obe offers over 4,000 cardio, stretch, and strength-training classes for varying fitness levels: beginner, intermediate and advanced. Top trainers teach these classes, giving you a structured program to follow over the next few weeks. Obe also offers kid-friendly classes. You can make working out a family activity.

If you don’t like to keep looking at a screen while working out, sign up for audio-guided workouts, instead. Aaptiv offers audio-based fitness programs; the only workout gear you need is a pair of earbuds. This app also provides exercise routines you can do on an elliptical or treadmill if you have such equipment at home.

Embrace running outdoors

Try walking or running outdoors, and you can sweat it out without bumping to different people in the gym. As long as you keep a safe distance from other runners, you will be fine jogging around the neighbourhood. To make your runs more exciting, use the Nike Run Club app. The app is your perfect running partner—it tracks your runs and offers workouts from the world’s best running coaches.

Follow fitness influencers


Female working out at home

Apart from using apps, getting fitness streaming services and watching free workout tutorials on YouTube, follow Australian fitness influencers on social media. These fitness professionals use their social media platforms to inspire people and lead a healthy community. After all, working out alone isn’t that fun.

Kayla Itsines is a master trainer from the Australian Institute of Fitness who specialises in providing the right cardio techniques to women. She posts workout videos and deliciously healthy food pictures. Her daily updates on Instagram or Facebook can inspire you to achieve your fitness goal.

A fitness guru and model, Emily Skye shows women of all ages and body types how to trim and tone their body. She posts workout videos, nutritionist-developed meal plans, and even motivational and mindset videos. Seeing her posts in your newsfeed or timeline may be enough to get you going on your routine.

Staying in shape is important now more than ever. The coronavirus pandemic poses a risk not only on your physical but also mental health. You may not feel safe yet about going out but staying home doesn’t mean you should stop working out.

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