How to Have a Luxurious Spa Day at Home in Four Steps

pamper day

After long hours of work for 5 days or more every week, you deserve a break. There are plenty of things you could spend your free time. You can catch up on your favorite shows or have a movie marathon. You can also have a day out with your friends. But everyone needs some pampering every now then and the best way to do that is with a spa day. Here’s how you can have a luxurious spa day at home:

Pamper Your Hair

It’s not just skin that needs pampering. You can use some luxury hair care products to improve and revitalize your hair as well. When it comes to self-care and spa days, hair is typically at the bottom of the priority list. But like clear skin and nice clothes, healthy hair can also help boost a person’s confidence and self-esteem. It can also be an indicator for good personal hygiene. You can solve problems, improve your hair texture, and restore shine with a few treatments.

First, use a high-quality shampoo that washes your hair without being too strong. If you use harsh products, it can lead to brittle hair with split ends. Then, you can apply a mask that restores nutrients to your hair. Like facials, it’s meant to be left for a few minutes before rinsing. Afterward, you can use a serum to prevent frizzy and dry hair. Unlike other hair products, you’re supposed to leave it on for the rest of the day.

Relieve Sore Muscles

No matter what your job is, you probably experience sore muscles and body aches one way or another. Even if it involves sitting all day, you can still hurt your back and lose muscle strength. What better way to spend your spa day than relieving your sore body?

Take the time to have a relaxing bath. Feel free to turn up the temperature. Studies show that heat can help blood flow and relieve sore muscles. But, don’t overdo it. While high temperature can help your body pain, it can also damage your skin’s outer layer. Dermatologist Melissa Piliang recommends setting the water up to 112 degrees Fahrenheit. She says that this is the ideal temperature to wash off bacteria without harming your skin. Then, you can also use bath bombs that are made to relieve muscle soreness. If you have the ingredients on hand, you can make up your own combination. Use Epsom salt and peppermint for pain relief.

If sore muscles are a common problem for you, consider getting an electric massager. Rather than hiring a masseuse, it’s cheaper to buy a device to get the job done. You also don’t have to bother going to a spa. You can get a massage anytime you want from the comfort of your home. What’s great about electric massagers is that they come in different sizes. You can use them to target spots that are hard to reach.

Treat Your Feet

foot spa

Your feet are two of the most abused yet ignored parts of your body. After enduring long hours inside uncomfortable heels or walking long distances, they deserve to be pampered.

Like a sore back, you can treat your feet with a nice soak. What’s great about it is that you don’t need a bathtub, a basin will do just fine. First, prepare some cold water to ease the redness and numb the pain. Then, put your feet submerged in warm water to ease the stiffness. You can also add essential oils to the water to further help the soreness. Afterwards, you can help your feet recover by just letting them rest.

If your job requires you to stand or walk for several hours, you can insoles to help prevent sore feet. There are gel variants available that are designed to provide support and comfort.

Do a Facial

What’s a spa day without a good facial? The best thing about it is that you don’t need to go to a spa to have a great one. With the right ingredients and techniques, your skin can improve without leaving your house.

First, you should massage your face using a good cleansing oil. According to Dr. Marie Leger, you shouldn’t use just any oil in your counter. Make sure to get a cleanser that goes with your skin type. Then, use your traditional foaming or cream-type cleanser. Finally, you’re ready for a mask. For dull and tired skin, apply a mask with Vitamin C. If you have dark spots, use a mask with lactic acid for exfoliation.

Everyone deserves to treat themselves every once in a while. What’s great about it is that you can have a spa day without leaving your house.

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