How to know if you have a dental problem

how to know dental problem

Establishing the severity of a dental problem can be difficult without the advice of a trained professional. Whether it’s an out-of-hours appointment a patient requires or emergency treatment, identifying the seriousness of a condition is very important. Although most cases of dental pain, soreness or irritation won’t require the help of an emergency dentist, some will, such as dental abscesses and lost teeth. But what else does and does not constitute a dental problem?

Is pain problematic?

Generally speaking, patients suffering with unbearable and severe pain may be experiencing a medical problem. If excruciating or debilitating, patients would be wise to seek advice from a trained professional who would then be able to offer an explanation or solution. As a whole, extreme pain is one of the most obvious indications of a dental issue and would usually justify calling an trained professional.

Does bleeding justify an appointment?

A lot of patients can experience slight blood loss when brushing their teeth. Although this may indicate gum disease, it isn’t necessarily classed as a serious issue. On the other hand, heavy and continuous blood loss could be a sign of an underlying problem and may require an examination from a dentist. Patients should call their dental practice if they are concerned about the amount of blood loss.

Do lost or loose teeth class as a major issue?

Losing teeth as a child is normal, but as an adult it doesn’t happen without a deep-rooted cause. Loose teeth are a sign of extreme gum disease which would be classified as a major dental problem in many circumstances. Patients who have lost a tooth accidentally, perhaps during a fall, would be advised to make an appointment as soon as possible, to discuss available treatments.

Are dental abscesses serious?

man smiling

Dental abscesses are a collection of pus from inside the gums, teeth or bones and are often caused by a bacterial infection. In most cases, they are painful and should be looked at by a dentist, but that isn’t always the case. Painful or not, abscesses are a serious problem because they can sometimes spread to other parts of the body and make patients gravely unwell. Minor symptoms include throbbing pain, redness and swelling to the face, tender and discoloured teeth and bad breath. Severe symptoms, on the other hand, include a high temperature and difficulty swallowing or breathing which would justify immediate medical assistance.

Most cases of dental pain, redness etc. will not require a last minute trip to the dentist, but patients should be aware of telltale signs that would point towards a deep-rooted problem. It is worth noting that a lot of dental illnesses can be avoided through regular brushing, flossing and twice yearly check-ups with a dentist, but it won’t be the case for everyone. Severe dental issues can be painful, debilitating and expensive to treat, so patients should always pay close attention to the health of their teeth, mouth and gums, to try and avoid serious problems at a later date.

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