Why might Invisalign in Welwyn be the best treatment for you?


What is it?

To put it quite simply, they are clear aligners that are used to push the teeth into a newly aligned position whilst remaining inconspicuous and as comfortable as can be during treatment. In recent years older generations have been looking to improve their smiles whether it be due to an overcrowded tooth problem or that the teeth have wandered out of alignment over the years. No matter the reason, the treatment of chunky, metal braces put a lot of people off from seeking treatment but there is no longer a need to hide the smile and continue to suffer.

These small, clear aligners are not only inconspicuous in appearance but also enable the person receiving the treatment to remove them on a daily basis during times of food consumption and whilst a thorough oral clean is carried out. No special diet is needed and the discomfort is minimal allowing a gentle, but effective approach to straightening out the smile.


Getting started.

Whilst this particular orthodontic treatment has risen in popularity over the years it still requires a joint discussion with your dental team to ascertain whether this treatment is the best one for you going forward.

To begin with, there is a consultation to be carried out where the teeth are examined, photographed and in some cases x-rayed. This in-depth examination allows the dental team to understand whether or not this would be the most practical treatment going forward and if it is, enables the custom made retainers to be created from the photographs and x-rays.

Within approximately 2 weeks of when the consultation has taken place an appointment will be created so that the patient can be provided with their sets of retainers and advised on the process going forward. After all, this particular orthodontic treatment requires a great amount of teamwork between the patient and the dental team to be the most effective. The aligners are then to be worn for around 22 hours a day and are only removed during meal/snack times and during the daily oral hygiene process. Aside from that, it is intended that the aligners are worn for the full amount of time.

Depending on the severity of the alignment problem, the dental team will advise as to when they need to see the patient next for a quick check-up and advise on when the retainer set should be switched to the next set. This is of extreme importance so as to keep pushing and guiding the teeth into their new aligned position.

Once the desired position has been achieved, one more aligner will be provided which is to be worn ongoing as it will help maintain the newly aligned position rather than letting it drift back to the original positioning. Luckily the inconspicuous and comfortable nature of the retainer will ensure that this is not considered an issue at all.

Please be aware that all treatments and procedures written within this article can carry potential risks. It is therefore advised that patients seek further information and advice from their local dental teams on any mentioned within this article.

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