I am unhappy with my smile


There are a number of different reasons why a person could be unhappy with their smile, one of these reasons could be that a smile is incomplete. Missing teeth can be a great cause of unhappiness in people and potential patients may be looking for a solution to solve their missing teeth. Patients could benefit from Dental Implants  to solve the issue of their missing teeth. Implants are a revolutionary treatment that fits a secure foundation at the site of the jaw bone which is then used to sculpt brand new teeth onto. This article will run through how the implants are fitted as well as how patients could benefit, should they decide that this treatment could be the one for them. Patients should read on so they can find out more about the treatment that could have the ability to transform their smile for the better.

How are implants fitted?

Patients who decide that their smile could benefit from the treatment of dental implants in Clapham South Dental can be assured that they will be in the best hands possible. Patients will be given an initial consultation in order for it to be determined whether or not they are a good candidate for this treatment. Patients will also have individual treatment plans implemented and they will be given an explanation of the process. The time that the treatment will take as well as the cost of the treatment will be also outlined. Patients who are a good candidate for this treatment will be invited back to a second appointment, should they choose to have their implants fitted. During this appointment the implant, which is made up of a small screw, is fitted to the jaw. Between 4 and 6 months later the implant is then used to build a crown, bridge or denture on top of it in order to complete a person’s new smile. Patients who are considering this treatment should read on to discover how they could benefit from this treatment.

dental implant

What are the benefit of this treatment?

If a patient should decide that this treatment is the one for them, then they should consider getting in touch with the practice to decide what the best option moving forward would be. There are also numerous benefits that patients could take advantage of, should they decide that this treatment could be the one for them. Patients can be assured that they are in good hands when they consider this treatment. The implants themselves have been tried and tested and are considered to be the most efficient way of replacing teeth. Implants can last a potential lifetime provided that they are cared for in an appropriate manner. The new crown, denture or bridge can act, look and feel exactly like the tooth that was lost. Patients can be assured that this treatment is a long term investment into a person’s overall oral health. Patients who have replaced their teeth successfully report that they feel so much better about themselves when it comes to the appearance of their smile. Patients shouldn’t hesitate to get in contact with Clapham South Dental to discover their best new smile.

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