Health and Wellness

eating healthy

Healthy Aging: 5 Golden Rules for the Golden Years

It’s never too late to start being healthier. As seniors, it can be challenging to know where to begin with staying on top of your health. This is because many seniors are already suffering from

scale and measuring tape

Do You Really Need Weight-loss Supplements?

Most people think that a better body shape is all about losing weight. This is not always true. If you want to get in better shape, the basic thing you can do is alter your

woman at the dentists

Other Health Care Skipped: Pandemic Side Effects

The pandemic has not only affected the health of those infected by Covid 19 but also a large portion of the population who avoided or postponed necessary medical visits for fear of the coronavirus. This


Healthy Eating for Families: Why Good Nutrition Matters

As a parent, good nutrition is one of the most important things you can provide for your family. Good nutrition equals good health. However, many families find it difficult to guarantee good nutrition for all


Taking a Closer Look at Nutrition as We Grow Older

Growing older comes with its own set of unique challenges. Our physical, nutritional, and emotional needs all evolve as we go through life. It’s important to remember that these changes are perfectly normal. It’s merely

mouth ache

Periodontitis: What Is It and How Can You Avoid it?

Periodontitis is a disease not many people are aware of, even though they have it. For most people, it comes off as a simple toothache that comes and goes. However, this disease can quickly eliminate


An Introductory Guide to Invisible Aligners

So, you’ve had enough of your misaligned smile or that pesky gap in your teeth and want to do something about it. Good for you! If you are new to the field of adult orthodontics,

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