Health and Wellness

woman doing yoga exercises at home

Don’t Forget to Slow Down

Productivity is the hustle culture’s currency in this world. Even when you’re walking, you have to do something a little productive, like listen to podcasts and audiobooks. When you’re at work, productivity should be at


Thinking about a Smile Makeover?

Many dental practices are moving beyond the constraints of tending only to teeth and gums and are encompassing the needs of their patients in alternative ways as well. A dentist understands that a smile goes

woman with a beautiful smile

Never too old to have straight teeth

Many people believe that if they haven’t had their teeth straightened during their teenage years that they are far too old to have that smile they have always wanted. Other misconceptions include that it is

clear braces

Overcoming the challenges of wearing clear braces

The increased exposure to mass media platforms such as social media and television, have caused 31% of the UK population to worry about the appearance of their smiles. To correct issues that create less-than-attractive smiles,


Careers to Pursue If You Like Taking Care of People

Does caring for other people come as second nature to you? If so, it makes perfect sense to pursue a career that values this trait. According to the data we gathered, most of the jobs

woman with well taken care of face

Simple Ways to Improve Your Smile

Apart from making your brain feel happier and even improving your overall health, smiling also lifts the spirits of the people around you. The perfect smile is all about having healthy and clean teeth. Here are ways you

White teeth

Can Baking Soda Really Whiten Teeth?

A person’s teeth can change in color subtly and gradually. That’s why some of us are always on the lookout for products that can help maintain their bright white quality. One such product found at

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