Dental Implants – What do you need to know?

dental implants

What are the advantages?

If there are gaps within your smile you may feel self-conscious or low about it. A smile can be the difference between a good day and bad day, whether for you or someone else. Having the option to brighten your smile and eliminate the embarrassment is where the strong, metal posts come into play, the implants. Whilst there are numerous advantages to having implants put in place, having a confident smile is one that shines above the rest as it can provide yourself and others with so many positive feelings.

Aside from confidence, the implants also boost and stimulate new bone growth. When tooth loss occurs, if left untreated, the jaw bone can recede and deplete over time. The face may then take on a sunken appearance and other tooth loss could begin to occur. Naturally this is something that everyone wants to avoid and therefore implants can provide the solution.

How do you know if you are a suitable candidate for the procedure?

As with all dental treatments and procedures, there will always be a consultation with your dentist before following a particular plan. This is so that you can be fully informed of all the aspects to the dental plan and so that your dental team can examine all the options available for your individual case. This examination may include the following: a physical dental examination, scans of your mouth, photographs and in some cases moulds of your teeth may be taken. It is unlikely that you will need to have all of those but your dental team will decide and then be able to decide with you whether the implants are a suitable choice for you. By a suitable choice we do not just mean physically but also mentally and financially as these all play a part in the decision.

woman and dentist

Can the procedure be carried out via the NHS?

In general, implants are carried out via private dental care due to the procedure being more pricey than some other options available. However, for those who cannot wear dentures or have had serious health issues which resulted in needed tooth replacement then it may be possible to head down the NHS route. This would need to be discussed with your local dental team first though so as to ascertain which bracket you fall under for your personal circumstances.

Finance options available?

It is understandable that a lot of patients may want to go down the implant route but finances may hold them back. For those who are not eligible on the NHS rest assured there are finance options available so as to relieve the pressure and potential financial burden. Under no circumstances should a patient’s care suffer because of their financial situation so always make sure you discuss options with your dental practice before eliminating any treatment plan.

Treatments and procedures, whether dental, cosmetic or medical, always carry potential risks. It is therefore always encouraged that the individual seeks further information and advice from their local dental team.

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